Monthly Archives: May 2021

Michael Anton (Claremont School) vs Brion McClanahan (Chronicles mag) (5-3-21)

00:00 Rejecting the ‘Proposition Nation’, 03:00 Michael Anton vs Brion McClanahan,–proposition-nation-/ 06:00 Michael Anton: Can the veterans of the old conservative wars come to a truce?, 17:30 The American Identity, 33:20 Bill Gates n Steve Jobs … Continue reading

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Rejecting the ‘Proposition Nation’

Brion McClanahan writes for Chronicles: In January, Donald Trump’s President’s Advisory 1776 Commission released its 45-page “1776 Report,” which, according to The New York Times, is “a sweeping attack on liberal thought and activism that…defends America’s founding against charges that … Continue reading

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The Last Love Song: A Biography of Joan Didion

Here are some highlights from this 2015 book: * “I belong on the edge of a story,” Didion once said. Temperamentally, she is a reader, not an on-the-spot reporter or a stringer chasing witnesses down the street. In 1976 she … Continue reading

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Trickle-Round Signals: When Low Status Is Mixed with High

From The Journal of Consumer Research: * While high-status individuals can afford to depart from the norms without penalties because of their blanket social acceptance, middle-status individuals are more concerned because their position is less certain (Feshbach 1967; Hollander 1958; … Continue reading

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Haredim Ask For Adult Supervision

From the Times of Israel: After Meron calamity, Haredim question the price of their own autonomy Ultra-Orthodox media figures are calling for a commission of inquiry, and lashing the state for letting their community endanger itself. A few overpowering facts, … Continue reading

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