Monthly Archives: May 2021

The Neoconservative Fairy Tale

Brion McClanahan writes: Michael Anton has spilled a lot of ink attacking yours truly the last week or so. He took issue with a piece I wrote for Chronicles magazine attacking the 1776 Commission’s report on American history. It was … Continue reading

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What Are the Paleoconservatives Conserving?

Michael Anton writes: There is less dividing Paul Gottfried and me than I would have expected, which is good. For when the orc hordes—at Sauron’s urging—come for both of us, they aren’t going to discern, much less care about, any … Continue reading

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No, Paleoconservatives Are Not Helping the Left

Paul Gottfried writes May 8, 2021: Michael Anton raises several good points in his brief against Brion McClanahan’s assault on the 1776 Commission and that commission’s yoking of universal equality with the American founding. Anton is perfectly correct that state … Continue reading

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Josh Hawley vs The Age of Pelagius

Josh Hawley vs The Age of Pelagius (5-10-21) — (((Luke Ford))) (@lukeford) May 11, 2021 00:00 The best looking Cabinet secretary is 61! 04:00 Grievance, rebellion and burnt bridges: Tracing Josh Hawley’s path to the insurrection, 06:00 The … Continue reading

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The Hottest Cabinet Secretary Is 61!

Energy Sec. Jennifer Granholm says that the current gasoline situation is a "supply crunch," not a "gasoline shortage." — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 11, 2021 Bud: Luke didn’t you say you had big issue w women having loose —–. … Continue reading

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