Monthly Archives: March 2021

The Halfway House

Author Steven Pressfield tells author Tim Ferriss about his time working in a halfway house for people released from mental asylums: “They weren’t crazy at all. They were the smart people who had seen through the bullshit and because of … Continue reading

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Political scientist Steven L. Taylor writes: All of this brings me to true inspiration to this post, a speech by Deroy Murdock of the National Review at CPAC. Specifically, this clip (the second Tweet): A CPAC speaker is now pushing … Continue reading

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We Had the Vaccine the Whole Time

David Wallace-Wells writes: You may be surprised to learn that of the trio of long-awaited coronavirus vaccines, the most promising, Moderna’s mRNA-1273, which reported a 94.5 percent efficacy rate on November 16, had been designed by January 13. This was … Continue reading

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How Much Do Elections Matter? (3-4-21)

00:00 Trump Has Been Good For The GOP, 06:15 Sanford Levinson: How Much Do Elections Matter?, 11:00 Rush Limbaugh’s legacy, 16:40 Dr. Seuss nonsense, 22:00 A Failure of Governance in Texas, 36:00 Tom Landry: Prisoner … Continue reading

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Rush Limbaugh’s Legacy

Political scientist James Joyner writes: Limbaugh’s schtick ultimately transformed the conservative movement in destructive ways because it showed how lucrative playing to the predudices of an aggrieved base can be… a business model that depends on keeping people riled up … Continue reading

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