Monthly Archives: March 2021

WSJ: ‘Reclaiming Patriotism in an Age of Extremes’ Review: Competing Loyalties

From the Wall Street Journal: Today both nationalism and cosmopolitanism are testing the very definition of allegiance to one’s country…. Through most of history, and in many places today, group loyalty lacks this element of critique or dissent. What matters … Continue reading

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The Art of Debate With Jim Goad, Nick Fuentes, Baked Alaska, Irony Bros (12-22-2018)

00:00 Logical fallacies 15:00 The art of the interview 1:16:20 Jim Goad arrives 2:00:00 Matt Forney arrives 2:05:45 Irony Bros (Beardson, Sean) arrive 2:10:55 Baked Alaska arrives 2:13:00 Shawn from Irony Bros arrives 2:25:55 Nick Fuentes arrives 3:24:00 Jim and … Continue reading

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The Jesus Christ Show (3-8-21)

The Jesus Christ Show (3-8-21) — (((Luke Ford))) (@lukeford) March 8, 2021 00:00 The Jesus Christ Show, 06:10 Make Noise: A Creator’s Guide to Podcasting and Great Audio Storytelling, 07:20 Creating Compelling Podcasts at Audible, NPR, and … Continue reading

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The Revolt Of The Public

Martin Gurri tells Matt Taibbi: * Content moderation, in my opinion, isn’t really a movement but part of this delusional thinking. The idea is to make the great digital platforms look like the front page of the New York Times … Continue reading

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SMH: Neo-Nazis go bush: Grampians gathering highlights rise of Australia’s far right

In his 2017 book Making Sense of the Alt Right, academic George Hawley wrote: “I am not implying that the Alt-Right is a terrorist movement. At the time of this writing, I am aware of no acts of physical violence … Continue reading

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