Monthly Archives: February 2021

Why Do People Want To Ban Nazis? (2-21-21)

00:00 LAT: Before far-right UCLA student stormed Capitol, he faced furor over incendiary tweets, 05:00 Noah Smith on the case for banning nazis, 07:00 Decoding Slate Star Codex | Robert Wright & Will Wilkinson, 09:00 The Slate … Continue reading

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WP: His pastors tried to steer him away from social media rage. He stormed the Capitol anyway.

From the Washington Post: Facebook was making him angry. For weeks last spring and summer, Michael Sparks had watched video of protests for racial justice around the country with growing unease. He could not turn away from his phone, even … Continue reading

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The Slate Star Codex Blog & Its New York Time Profile

Here’s a timeline: * A New York Times journalist wants to write an article about you and your online community. * You don’t want to face that you have threatened your own well being and you fear that exposure of … Continue reading

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Ticking Clock: Behind the Scenes at 60 Minutes

Ira Rosen writes in this 2021 book: * Allan looked at me like I was crazy. “I tuned him [Mike Wallace] out. I didn’t hear any of it. If you are going to listen to everything he says, you will … Continue reading

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A Dance To The Music Of Time

Anthony Powell never wrote a memorable sentence, but this 12-volume work is filled with important observations, such as this one in book two: “I USED TO IMAGINE life divided into separate compartments, consisting, for example, of such dual abstractions as … Continue reading

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