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Monthly Archives: May 2020
The Road To Recovery
* With every potential sponsee, I give them a template for our work. It lists two books that I require sponsees to have available every time we meet so they should get them as e-books available on their phone. And … Continue reading
Resisting History: Historicism and Its Discontents in German-Jewish Thought by David Myers
I mentioned the book last night on my show but perhaps my choice of music for the segment was not the most artful. According to Princeton University Press: Nineteenth-century European thought, especially in Germany, was increasingly dominated by a new … Continue reading
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The Social Theory of Practices: Tradition, Tacit Knowledge and Presuppositions
Here are some highlights from this 2013 book: * The logical positivists had no objections to even the most extreme forms of sociological reductionism, if it was applied to morals. For them, the fact – value distinction was a fire-wall … Continue reading
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Sociology Responds To Fascism
Highlights from this 1992 book: * Sociologists were not notably successful in understanding fascism in the interwar era, much less in educating the public about the subject, and sociologists served the Nazi regimes just as other scholars did. The history … Continue reading
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