Monthly Archives: February 2020

My Rules For Life

I look for ways to approach life that make me happy and prosperous, that enable me to get along with other people, and to have a sense of ease with myself, with others, with the universe and with God. * … Continue reading

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The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature (1902) By William James

William James and Carl Jung were the most influential intellectuals behind AA. Neither were religious. Here are some excerpts: * There can be no doubt that as a matter of fact a religious life, exclusively pursued, does tend to make … Continue reading

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Livin’ on a Prayer

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Conspiracy Theories & The JFK Assassination

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Richard Jewell – My Favorite Movie Of 2019

Steve Sailer wrote Dec. 18, 2019: Richard Jewell is director Clint Eastwood’s well-acted, solidly scripted biopic about the racial-profiling fiasco that undermined the 1996 Atlanta Olympics bombing investigation. The FBI monomaniacally targeted an innocent rent-a-cop for being a Frustrated White … Continue reading

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