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Daily Archives: February 27, 2020
Watching The English By Kate Fox
Here are some highlights: Any discussion of English conversation, like any English conversation, must begin with The Weather. And in this spirit of observing traditional protocol, I shall, like every other writer on Englishness, quote Dr Johnson’s famous comment that … Continue reading
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Watching The English By Kate Fox
Here are some highlights: * ‘How’s the Englishness book going? What chapter are you working on?’ ‘The one about sex.’ ‘So, that’ll be twenty blank pages, then?’ THE KNEE-JERK HUMOUR RULE I’ve lost count of the number of times I … Continue reading
The Sum of Small Things: A Theory of the Aspirational Class
Elizabeth Currid-Halkett wrote in 2017: * In the 1920s, Muriel Bristol attended a summer’s afternoon tea party in Cambridge, UK. A number of professors and their spouses were also in attendance. On this particular occasion, the host poured Bristol a … Continue reading
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