Monthly Archives: December 2018

And Then They Came For Noah Carl

00:00 Noah Carl controversy 35:00 Brundlefly joins, talks about Norvin Hobbs 40:00 Adam, an evangelical Christian, joins from southern India 1:24:55 “Pure Gold leaves Dooovid speechless” 1:35:00 Manik Bibler joins 2:00:00 Real Brother Radio joins, says blacks created Judaism, Christianity … Continue reading

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The Death Of Conservatism

00:00 Conservative weekly Weekly Standard closes after 23 years 06:00 Google Funds Establishment Conservatives to Fight Tech Regulation 20:00 Mick Mulvaney is the new Chief of Staff 21:00 Tesla sounds like Theranos, Life Inside Tesla’s Production Hell 25:00 Over-work makes … Continue reading

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Theater Thursday: The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs

00:00 KMG on The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs 1:00:00 Smart Tattoos Could Change Color, Indicate Health Issues 1:05:00 The Biggest Losers of Trump’s Presidency: His Voters 1:10:00 Richard Spencer vs Nick Fuentes, this video: 1:24:00 Tinder and OkCupid have … Continue reading

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Race As A Group Evolutionary Strategy

Max* says: I have a new idea that’s pro-Jewish (mostly) and also pro-white… basically the framework is that “Empire” (understood as that archetypal thing that is Egypt, Rome, America) has an endless appetite for deracinated workers… and against that force, … Continue reading

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Does A Jewish Cabal Run America?

00:00 Tribune, Tronc And Beyond: A Slur, A Secret Payout And A Looming Sale 08:00 Response to last night’s Richard Spencer stream 00:00 Talking race with Halsey English 04:00 KMG talks about Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew 07:00 The virtues of … Continue reading

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