Monthly Archives: October 2018

Rising Out of Hatred: The Awakening of a Former White Nationalist

* Sally Satel in NYT: I Am a Racially Profiling Doctor Here are selections from the new book by Eli Saslow: * David Duke, the conference organizer, stepped behind a podium to welcome his guests. Duke, then fifty-eight, had spent … Continue reading

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Collins For The Win!

00:00 Brett Kavanaugh appears headed for confirmation 1:05:00 Book Club: Middlemarch 1:52:00 Lawsuit accuses Seneca Valley ‘mean girls’ of targeting boy with false allegations 1:55:00 Monica McLean-Christine Blasey Ford 2:00:00 France thinks it can block Brexit 2:03:00 Canary Mission vs … Continue reading

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The Right Unites Behind Kav, Democrats Stumble

* Second Hour: Theater Thursday: Tombstone (1993) * Weekly Standard: How Jeff Flake’s One-Week Delay Helped Clear Brett Kavanaugh’s Name * New York Post: Democrats’ Kavanaugh assassination is reuniting the right * WP: The rise and the reckoning: Inside Brett … Continue reading

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“The Virtue of Nationalism” by Yoram Hazony

Steve Sailer writes: Israel is one of the intellectually freer nations, which helps explain how an Israeli political philosopher, Yoram Hazony, has suddenly established himself as perhaps the most interesting thinker of the post–Merkel’s Mistake era with his spectacular new … Continue reading

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Kavanaugh Goes Down To The Wire

* FBI is expected to hand over findings from their new Kavanaugh probe TODAY says senior Republican senator – but they have STILL not interviewed Christine Ford * Ex-Boyfriend of Blasey Ford Comes Forward with a Few Minor Scandals * … Continue reading

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