Monthly Archives: October 2018

Is The Alt Right Dead?

* NYT: Trump Administration Eyes Defining Transgender Out of Existence * Brett Stevens writes: Politics forms a sub-heading under philosophy for a reason: where philosophy aims at the unchanging, politics looks at the dynamic of power which shifts frequently. As … Continue reading

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Run, Hillary Run!

* How Do You Solve a Problem Like Hillary? She’s not going away—and Democrats aren’t sure what to do about it. Related * 2nd Hour: Book Club: Harriet Said * 4Chan thread on the show. * LA homeless activists fight … Continue reading

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Operation Barbarossa and Germany’s Defeat in the East (Cambridge Military Histories)

David Stahel writes in 2009: * From a military point of view, the likelihood of a German victory was also shared in Britain, with the Joint Intelligence Committee estimating that the Germans would require just six weeks to occupy the … Continue reading

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America First: Happy Days Are Here Again

00:00 America’s economy booms under Trump 15:00 Democrats have no desire for border protection 20:00 If Harvard Had Colorblind Admissions, Its Black Share Would Fall from 15.8% to 0.9% 33:00 Steve King endorses Faith Goldy: 36:00 “Baltimore has recorded … Continue reading

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John J. Mearsheimer’s New Book: The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities

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