Monthly Archives: June 2018

Kevin Michael Grace Book Club: David Berlinski’s The Devil’s Arithmetic (6-15-18)

MP3. Biologist Jerry Coyne: David Berlinski makes an ass of himself defending intelligent design David Berlinski makes a pompous fool of himself again about science and evolution Militant atheism is on the rise. Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, … Continue reading

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Jewish Martyrs

Chaim Amalek writes: “So you see, we Yidden have our martyrs no less than do the Christians. Yes, a Jewish man who marries some nubile young shiksa so as to disarm certain antisemitic arguments is choosing to martyr himself, and … Continue reading

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Counter-Currents & The Jews

Joe* says: I tried to post a comment on counter-currents but it didn’t work. I find they often don’t post comments that are critical of anti-semitism. They have this article reviewing Mark Rudd’s book about Weather Underground, which ends with … Continue reading

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Kevin Michael Grace On Trump’s Summit With Norea Korea’s Dictator


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Hello Recovery! Goodbye Morbid Self-Reflection!

One of the benefits of working a 12-Step program is that you learn about the five character defects — selfishness, self-seeking, dishonesty, inconsideration and fear. With this clarity, you waste less time in morbid self-reflection.

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