Monthly Archives: April 2018

Baked Alaska Goes Hollywood (4-16-18)

B: Content brainstorming: Commenting on Baked Alaska’s implosion. What role moving to LA might have played in it. This is something that you can speak best to and is probably good monologue material. Of course the rest of the big … Continue reading

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Halsey English On The JQ

COMMENTS: * When Peter came back at the end and opposed Doovid about white identity and the definition of what/who is white, I got a thrill how strong he was to assert that whites have a right to a homeland … Continue reading

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Daily Mail: Fear of Japanese knotweed which strangles other plants is ‘xenophobic’, says environmental expert

From the English newspaper: An expert says it is ‘xenophobic’ to talk about non-native plants as menaces Fred Pearce says the effects of Japanese knotweed – which strangles other plants – and invasive small animals like grey squirrels are exaggerated … Continue reading

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I May Not Get There With You (4-14-18)

Please join me in the prayer for an open mind. God, please set aside everything I think I know about you, the Bible, the Alt Right, race, religion, myself, my brokenness for an open mind and a new experience of … Continue reading

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Dealing With Rage & Resentment

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