Monthly Archives: March 2018

Mental Warfare

I always feel bad when a quality HBO or Showtime show or a decent movie feels obligated to have a black woman play a high-powered lawyer or intellectual. One way the actors compensate is to have their eyes wide open.

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One Connected Jew’s Whirlwind Tour Of DC

Dan Zak writes for the Washington Post: A conservative Parkland student’s whirlwind trip to D.C. ended in the Oval Office Kyle’s parents immigrated from Israel in the 1990s. He grew up in leafy, placid Parkland, and aspires to get an … Continue reading

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The Red Pill

Bud: “What drew me to the Orthodox in my youth was how reactionary the core is. I know that’s what Luke loves about it most. If there would have been an alt-right back in the pre-Internet days, he would have … Continue reading

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Explaining Hitler

I’m rereading Mein Kampf. It seems like he drew the wrong lessons from WWI and that’s why he lost WWII. Hitler had the usual very incomplete understanding of history. Like a good Marxist, he imagined that he had found the … Continue reading

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WP: A speech code for lawyers, banning viewpoints that express ‘bias,’ including in law-related social activities

During our Sunday interview, Frame Game Radio, a Jewish New York corporate lawyer, suggested that the following is why Kyle Bristow cucked so badly over the weekend. A lawyer friend says: “Lawyers like to think of themselves as potential Atticus … Continue reading

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