Monthly Archives: December 2017

My Great Great Grandfather

This guy was my father’s mother’s grandfather: There were few better known men througout North Queensland than the late Mr. George Simpson who took a most active interest both in local and national politics. Gifted with the power of speech … Continue reading

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Parasha Vayigash (Genesis 44:18–47:27)

Listen here and here and here. Watch. Wikipedia: “In the parashah, Judah pleads on behalf of his brother Benjamin, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, Jacob comes down to Egypt, and Joseph’s administration of Egypt saves lives but transforms all … Continue reading

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R. Gabriel Elias On The Way Out At Mogen David

I don’t have the full story yet. Sandy says: They never really have distinguished themselves from YICC or Beth Jacob, the two shuls most similar in practice to MD’s Ashkenazi minyan. A lot of the regulars are guys who used … Continue reading

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Growing Up Hasidic — and Racist

Shaindy Urman writes: In the ultra-Orthodox Hasidic community I grew up in, racism is a common aspect of life. It is seen as necessary in order to maintain the separation from goyim, or gentiles, and uphold the status of chosen … Continue reading

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Manners, multiculturalism, and the battle of Stamford Hill

The Independent in the UK: On Wednesday, The Independent’s columnist Christina Patterson wrote a column detailing how rude she believed many Charedi Jews were to non-Jews. A gentile resident of Stamford Hill for 12 years, she described how the ultra-orthodox … Continue reading

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