Monthly Archives: December 2017

Black Genius

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Once you know the mean IQ and standard deviation of a population and the # of members in each group, it’s a trivial mathematical exercise to determine the number that will exceed a certain threshold. … Continue reading

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The Hottest Bird On The Planet

At the end of the Austalian ABC miniseries on the Easybeats, the manager says: “Our little Jehovah’s Witness [Dick Diamonde] just bagged the hottest bird on the planet.” According to Wikipedia: “By October 1969 the Easybeats had disbanded and according … Continue reading

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How Does Jewish Nationalism Compare With White Nationalism?

“Nationalism is all about creating myths about how wonderful your country is,” says John Mearsheimer in a recent video. In many ways, Jewish nationalism and white nationalism have more in common with each other than either do with Christianity. Both … Continue reading

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Parasha Vayeshev (Genesis 37:1–40:23)

Listen here. Wikipedia: “The parashah tells the stories of how Jacob’s other sons sold Joseph into captivity in Egypt, of how Judah wronged his daughter-in-law Tamar and discovered his transgression, and how Joseph served Potiphar and was imprisoned when falsely … Continue reading

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