Monthly Archives: November 2017

The Obsession With Sin

A friend says: I think if a society DOES NOT obsess over sin and depravity… then that leaves it vulnerable to the allure of idols. It’s only when you think less about good and evil than Hawthorne and the Puritans … Continue reading

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Sex Abuse Claims

In a legal claim, the longer you wait to make a claim, the less force it tends to carry (and often the claim is barred by a statute of limitations). For example, if you claim your life was ruined by … Continue reading

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What’s Aaron Sorkin’s Game?

I enjoyed this film. Most people seem to. Wikipedia: Peter Debruge of Variety praised Sorkin’s script saying “…Molly’s Game delivers one of the screen’s great female parts — a dense, dynamic, compulsively entertaining affair, whose central role makes stunning use … Continue reading

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Vayetze (Gen. 28:10–32:3)

Wikipedia: “The parashah tells of Jacob’s travels to, life in, and return from Haran. The parashah recounts Jacob’s dream of a ladder to heaven, Jacob’s meeting of Rachel at the well, Jacob’s time working for Laban and living with Rachel … Continue reading

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What Is Elsagate?

From the BBC: Thousands of videos on YouTube look like versions of popular cartoons but contain disturbing and inappropriate content not suitable for children. If you’re not paying much attention, it might look like an ordinary video featuring Peppa Pig, … Continue reading

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