Monthly Archives: November 2017


According to the ADL: “RAHOWA is an acronym for “Racial Holy War,” a term created by the Creativity Movement, a white supremacist pseudo-religion, as a rallying cry for the white supremacist cause. Over the years, its usage spread beyond Creativity … Continue reading

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SNL Tackles Harvey Weinstein

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The subtext of a lot of Seinfeld was a particular kind of Jewish guilt at the hedonistic and meaningless life Jews could now live in America thanks to material success. Occasionally, it would become more … Continue reading

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Chayei Sarah (Gen. 23:1-25:18)

This week’s Torah portion covers the death and burial of the matriarch Sarah. Watch. Listen here. Issue 1: The “It’s okay to be white” campaign. Issue 2: Abraham’s purchase of a burial plot for Sarah shows the way forward for … Continue reading

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Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and Getting on the Road to Recovery III

Here are some excerpts from this 2016 book: Long before scientists had access to the imaging technology that allowed them to visualize neuronal activity, physiatrist John Sarno grasped the relationship between chronic pain and emotional distress. Every time I told … Continue reading

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Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and Getting on the Road to Recovery II

Here are some excerpts from this 2016 book: From at least a dozen people, including actors, writers, and musicians, I’d heard that the Alexander Technique had made a big difference in their lives. Among the well-known adherents were Kenneth Branagh, … Continue reading

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