Monthly Archives: October 2017

Raiders White QB Stands For National Anthem, Black Offensive Line Refuses To Block For Him, Raiders Throw Game, QB Injured

The Raiders threw last week’s game to the Redskins, losing 27-7. They lost yesterday 16-10 but seemed to put in some effort. Oakland’s black offensive line, however, yesterday once again failed to block for their white quarterback Derek Carr, who … Continue reading

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Dissident Dispatches: An Alt-Right Guide to Christian Theology

I just interviewed the author Andrew Fraser by Skype. He’s based in Australia and in July published this new book (reviewed by Roger Devlin). His magnum opus, The WASP Question, came out in 2011. If you read just one of … Continue reading

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NYT: “We Are All Jew-Ish Now”

Steve Sailer writes: …isn’t Jewish solidarity over the last 3,000 years a more remarkable phenomenon than Jewish divisiveness? The mechanisms behind Jewish cohesiveness, however, aren’t of much interest in today’s intellectual climate… While it’s popular to imagine poor Groucho as … Continue reading

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Torah Talk: Sexual Utopia In Power

Torah Talk resumes today after the Yom Kippur holiday and just before the beginning of the Sukkot festival. Watch live. * Camille Paglia on homosexuality. * I was reading Shalom Aleichem stories over Yom Kippur. In “A Yom Kippur Scandal,” … Continue reading

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