Monthly Archives: October 2017

John Travolta: “Hollywood controlled by homosexual Jewish men who expect sexual favors in return for career-related ones”

Rachel Shukert writes for Tabletmag in 2012: …the press has been all abuzz over the lawsuit recently slapped on John Travolta by a masseur claiming the star attempted to coerce him into unwanted sexual acts during a session at the … Continue reading

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Buzzfeed: Here’s How Breitbart And Milo Smuggled Nazi and White Nationalist Ideas Into The Mainstream

From Buzzfeed: The Breitbart employee closest to the alt-right was Milo Yiannopoulos, the site’s former tech editor known best for his outrageous public provocations, such as last year’s Dangerous Faggot speaking tour and September’s canceled Free Speech Week in Berkeley. … Continue reading

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Urban Black Basketball

Here’s an excerpt from an Esquire interview with Steve Oney: EC: There are a few lines from Brown that suggest a racial insensitivity that today would not be permissible but at the time was a more accepted part of the … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Texas Man’s Death Sentence Thrown Out Over Racist Testimony’

New York Times: Duane E. Buck barged into his girlfriend’s Texas home after she broke up with him and killed her and a friend. Later that morning in July 1995, he fired a rifle at his stepsister, who survived because … Continue reading

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Haaretz: ‘White Man’s Burden’

None of these people who pushed for the 2003 Iraq invasion seem to have paid any price for their idiocy. A smaller percentage of American Jews thought the war was a good idea compared to the general population, but a … Continue reading

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