Monthly Archives: October 2017

The Southern Poverty Law Center – The “Anti-Hate” Group That Is a Hate Group

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James Kirchick: ‘Can American Jews Be White Nationalists?’

I say yes because for many American Jews, their American identity is stronger than their Jewish identity. Also, for many Jews, their European genes outnumber their Middle Eastern genes. Also, many Jews are indistinguishable in appearance from whites. Many Jews … Continue reading

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Parasha Noach (Genesis 6:9–11:32)

This week’s Torah portion covers the story of the Flood and the Tower of Babel. Listen here. * God decides to destroy the world because it is corrupt. What was so corrupt? The world at this time had same-sex marriage, … Continue reading

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Why Aren’t There Great Jewish Minds Debunking The Alt Right?

The truth about Jews and non-Jews has to be somewhere in between the critics and the advocates. The Alt Right can’t be 100% correct. The Jewish establishment can’t be 100% correct either. I know Kevin MacDonald, Richard Spencer, Andrew Joyce, … Continue reading

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Moses Wouldn’t Expect ‘China’ to Change

Chris* writes: In fact, no rational observer since Hegel has doubted his incisive judgment that nothing fundamental has changed in China over a span of three-plus millennia (‘Lectures on the Philosophy of History,’ ca. 1830). Hegel didn’t make it perfectly … Continue reading

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