Monthly Archives: September 2017

A Short History Of Left-Wing Censorship Of The Web

LINK: There was always an organized Left, but it was about this time Social Justice Warriors recognized themselves as a force. SJWs were younger and more militant than old-guard leftists. Doxxing, i.e. revealing the personal information of a heretofore anonymous … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: ‘Max Boot, Mr. Invade-The-World-Invite-The-World, Doesn’t Feel Like an American Anymore’

I keep meeting Hillary-voting South African Jews who supported the overthrow of apartheid in South Africa. They have no moral doubts that was all for the good, even though the average life expectancy in that country dropped a decade after … Continue reading

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The Shuttening

The NY Times has this interesting list of young women rockers, and all the editor can think to do is ask them these boring social justice warrior questions. Why not have a music editor ask them questions about their music? … Continue reading

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Conservatives in America – Like Marranos in Medieval Spain

Dennis Prager writes: There is, of course, no Spanish Inquisition in America today – no one is being tortured into confessing what they really believe, and no one is being burned at the stake. But there are millions of Marrano-like … Continue reading

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WP: ‘U-Md. Latino students described as ‘mediocre’ and ‘pretty bad’ in mass email’

Washington Post: Latino students were described as “mediocre” and “pretty bad” in an email that was accidentally sent by a professor to students registering for a mock trial class at the University of Maryland. Mark Graber sent the missive Thursday … Continue reading

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