Monthly Archives: September 2017

LGBT Americans Are Disproportionately Jewish

Forward: “While only 2% of Americans are Jewish, the study found that 6% of LGBT Americans identify as Jews. Nearly half (46%) of LGBT Americans are religiously unaffiliated, roughly twice the American average of 24%.” There seem to be a … Continue reading

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LAT: ESPN’s Sergio Dipp posts a heartfelt video after his awkward debut as a ‘Monday Night Football’ sideline reporter

The announcers for last night’s Chargers-Broncos game were the worst I’ve experienced. I came home after a hard day. I just wanted to watch some football and relax but these guys were awful. It sounded like ESPN was using a … Continue reading

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Nitzavim & Vayelech (Deut 29-31)

This week has a double parasha — Nitzavim and Vayelech.

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NYT: ‘He Thought He’d Be Your Rabbi. Now, He’ll Get You a Mortgage.’

The purpose of establishing a home is to invite everyone in. Ron Lieber writes in the New York Times: PHILADELPHIA — Perhaps it was preordained that David Frankel would become a mortgage banker… But his path to the industry was … Continue reading

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Why Jewish parents should talk about neo-Nazis with their children

Sivan Zakai writes: “It is not enough for contemporary American-Jewish children to know that white supremacy and neo-Nazism are gaining traction in the United States, yet these are the very bits of information that kids are most likely to pick … Continue reading

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