Monthly Archives: August 2017

Ivy League law prof says Anglo-Protestant cultural norms are superior — and gets hammered for it

Amy Wax, a brilliant and courageous woman, has long been a race realist. Jared Taylor has praised her. The Blaze: University of Pennsylvania Law School professor Amy Wax may come across as somewhat of an aberration at one of the … Continue reading

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Parasha Re’eh (Det. 11-16)

Wikipedia: “The parashah is the longest weekly Torah portion in the Book of Deuteronomy.” Listen here. * Shouldn’t the WN leaders themselves have been asked these two questions instead of leaders from the Cathedral? * Deut: 10:19: “Love ye therefore … Continue reading

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My Keen Attention To Detail Got Me To Where I Am In Life

I parked my car at a meter yesterday and got outside into the sun and happily and blissfully walked away without putting any money in the meter. I do this quite a lot but yesterday I didn’t catch myself and … Continue reading

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Harpers: ‘The Rise of the Valkyries: In the alt-right, women are the future, and the problem’

The piece is by Seyward Darby, who’s cute, smart and accomplished. A motley coalition of online provocateurs, the alt-right opposes political correctness and multiculturalism. Many of its supporters rhapsodize about the eventual creation of white ethnostates in Europe and North … Continue reading

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Banned For Your Political Views

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Airbnb is apparently banning users who appear to be going to Saturday’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. They apparently are doing “background checks” including looking through linked Facebook accounts for crimethink. This is … Continue reading

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