Monthly Archives: June 2017

Trump’s Judicial Picks Are Keeping Republicans Happy—and Quiet

The New Republic: In a rare show of competency, he’s tapped five times as many judges as Obama had at this point—and conservatives are delighted. The most critical government document released on Wednesday—the one that’ll have the most wide-ranging impact … Continue reading

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57yo Australian Conservative Pundit Andrew Bolt Fights Back Against Antifa

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Some background on Bolt for the benefit of Steve’s readers: Bolt is one of Australia’s best-known conservative commentators, and the most prominent in Melbourne. No other commentator is excoriated as much by the SJW left … Continue reading

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Jews are not nihilists

Audacious Epigone: On their most recent podcast, Kevins Grace and Steel asserted, in the context of a long discussion on George Soros, that Jews are particularly nihilistic. If so, they sure are diligent, deliberate, and effortful in attaining meaningless worldly … Continue reading

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What Drowning Looks Like

Comments: A video of what real drowning looks like: link to a finnish newspaper. A five year old boy is drowning in a swimming pool next to numerous people and nobody notices while literally touching him. Fortunately the boy who … Continue reading

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Rehabbing Nietszche

Steve Sailer writes: In recent decades, the reputation of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) has been largely rehabilitated despite the unfortunate events of 1933-1945. (In contrast, Francis Galton is today widely considered to be a progenitor of the Holocaust.) … Continue reading

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