Monthly Archives: June 2017

Jailed For A Decade For Having Wrong Opinions About The Holocaust

Nazi Julius Streicher was put to death at Nuremberg after WWII for his opinions. Wikipedia: “In essence, prosecutors contended that Streicher’s articles and speeches were so incendiary that he was an accessory to murder, and therefore as culpable as those … Continue reading

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Hot Girls Wanted

Roosh writes: I recently watched Hot Girls Wanted, a documentary about how easily girls are recruited into porn, mostly from the Midwestern parts of the United States. The fact that there is now so little stigma for girls to get … Continue reading

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The Single White Woman Problem

From Chateau Heartiste: The Left is the outpost of SMV oddballs who want vengeance on the beautiful people and their beautiful nations. The gnarled, ugly anti-White leftoid ideology is a siren song to the degenerate freak mafia, to the has-beens … Continue reading

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Christianity Vs Islam

From Chateau Heartiste: Why are the world’s violent and primitive attracted to Islam? Executioner’s Summary: it’s Islam’s appeal to the base instincts. The sand people are on the whole a stupid, clannish, hot-headed, inbred lot who have populated the world … Continue reading

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Noah Feldman: ‘The Triumphant Decline of the WASP’

From the New York Times in 2010: But satisfaction with our national progress should not make us forget its authors: the very Protestant elite that founded and long dominated our nation’s institutions of higher education and government, including the Supreme … Continue reading

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