Monthly Archives: May 2017

Guardian: “”Alt-Right’ Have Stormed Mainstream Consciousness by Using ‘Humor'”

Comments at Steve Sailer: * There’s quite a cottage industry in deconstructing 4chan threads and Pepe twitter memes for shock horror presentation to the masses. A few people perhaps hoping to find it a way to tenure, following Matthew Goodwin … Continue reading

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How some Southern California drug rehab centers exploit addiction

How would you like to live next to a drug addiction center? This is a horrifying series from the Orange County Register: Chronic drug users like Solomon are commodities, exploited by a growing world of drug and alcohol rehab operators … Continue reading

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Justin Murphy’s “The psychology of prohibiting outside thinkers”

Murphy is a man of the left. He writes: “Because we know deep down inside that our life’s work is only half of what it could have been had we the courage to not ask for permission, if there ever … Continue reading

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What Makes For A High IQ?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Kiss of death for a high IQ is having ancestors that evolved in a tropical or subtropical environment. You absolutely need severe winters to weed out the lesser lights, unmotivated, peeps with a “next week” … Continue reading

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Can't believe jihadis struck at one of our most sacred institutions: Scantily clad prostitutes selling sexually charged pop music to minors. — BoomerNationalism (@boomermindset) May 23, 2017 Comments at Steve Sailer: * According to BBC accounts: Today a terrible accident … Continue reading

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