Monthly Archives: January 2017

Crisis Averted: Obama Finally de-blackballed by Jewish Country Club

Steve Sailer writes: That’s why Jewish country clubs were famous for immediately letting in lots of Italians, Poles, French Canadians, blacks, Japanese, Mexicans, American Indians and all the other people discriminated against by WASP country clubs. For example … well … Continue reading

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The Menopause March

Comment: It turned out to be a bunch of well-fed white women wearing $150 running shoes and holding $500 cell phones, with more life options than they know what to do with. Practically speaking, there are no more rights left … Continue reading

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Would Buzzfeed Have Published the Martin Luther King Sex Tape?

Comment: FBI should have spilled the beans on King and spared us the BS aura around King. If the dirty secrets on King had been released, two things could have happened, both better than what followed. 1. Fall of King, … Continue reading

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I Like To Help

I helped a Jewish woman with her computer in 15 secs. She lit up with joy! “Luke’s my savior! Luke’s my Jesus!”

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NYT: ‘Trump Repeats Lie About Popular Vote in Meeting With Lawmakers’

How often did the New York Times and other media accuse Barack Obama in news stories of repeating lies and falsehoods? I don’t remember the MSM doing this to any other politician with the regularity it does it to Trump. … Continue reading

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