Monthly Archives: January 2017

Torah: Parashah Va’eira ( Exodus 6:2–9:35)

This week’s Torah portion is Va’eira (Exodus 6:2–9:35). * If being America First is anti-Semitic, then all nationalists outside of Israel must become anti-Semitic. If Jews lead resistance to Trump, America’s president, does this make them anti-American? If Jews find … Continue reading

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Getting Ahead As A SJW Warrior

Steve Sailer writes: “Being young these days requires constant beavering away at career-building. The SJW industry is highly competitive so only the most enterprising and relentlessly self-promoting amateur SJWs can expect to attain paid sinecures.”

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The Three Varieties Of The Australian Accent

Comment: * Australian accents come in three main varieties: Cultivated, General, and Broad. Cultivated is pretty close to RP: 1.) Broad: the late Steve Irwin. 2.) General: Australian PM Julia Gillard. 3.) Cultivated: Cate Blanchett. (Blanchett’s somewhat more “British-Sounding” accent … Continue reading

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Why Doesn’t Trump Change His Accent?

Steve Sailer writes: One of the polarizing aspects about Donald Trump is that he doesn’t codeswitch much, the way Obama spoke to black preachers in his black preacher accent while he spoke to whites in his flat Kansas accent (a … Continue reading

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Richard Spencer Assaulted 3x At Inauguration

The assault on me. — Richard 🐸 Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) January 20, 2017 Inaugural reaction — Richard 🐸 Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) January 20, 2017 Just filed a report (17-011813) with the District Police regarding the assault on me yesterday. — … Continue reading

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