Monthly Archives: January 2017

Making Money Off Alcoholism

The Alcohol Industry Needs Alcoholism to Thrive – highly dependent on the top 10% of heaviest drinkers. — P. D. Mangan 🇺🇸 (@Mangan150) January 22, 2017

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Report: Los Angeles measles outbreak centers on Orthodox Jewish community

My anecdotal impression is that many traditional Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles do not get vaccinated for measles etc. REPORT: A measles outbreak in Los Angeles County, California, is centered on the Orthodox Jewish community, according to reports. Some 20 … Continue reading

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Are Tiger Daughters Taking Over the SJW Racket?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * A look at her LinkedIn page shows she has high-level skills in mathematics, computer programming, and robotics. She is also a marathon runner and has an incredible singing voice, based on readily YouTube videos. And … Continue reading

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Does HIAS Promote Anti-Jewish Immigration Into Israel?

Not so much. HIAS is greatly concerned with the security of the Jewish state. As for the security of gentile states, it seems not so much. COMMENT: Now, it is true that HIAS indeed has a section on its website … Continue reading

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Who Backs Trump?

Peggy Noonan writes: Normally a new president has someone backing him up, someone publicly behind him. Mr. Obama had the mainstream media—the big broadcast networks, big newspapers, activists and intellectuals, pundits and columnists of the left—the whole shebang. He had … Continue reading

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