Monthly Archives: December 2016

Forward: “Trump’s Reported Pick of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State Spooks Jewish Groups”

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Trump fills his cabinet with Goldman Sachs execs, and idiots still say he’ll be unfavorable to Jewish tribalist causes. * “In general, people who have led oil companies are not that friendly to Israel,” Klein … Continue reading

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Does Politico Publish Fake News?

In my memory, Politico and the Washington Post ran about nine negative dismissing stories about Trump to every positive one. Chris Roberts writes: It certainly got Donald Trump completely wrong. It is hard to believe, but it has been more … Continue reading

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Trump Is A Putin Stooge?

Comments: One of the more depressing things about the current “Trump is a Russian Stooge” craze, and the other lunacies shrieking in the media is their opportunity cost, pushing out all observation of anything true and interesting about our nearly … Continue reading

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Boston Globe: Should Twitter ban the alt-right? The case for online censorship

David Scharfenberg writes: J.M. Berger, a fellow with the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism in The Hague who wrote the report, says social media give extremists some powerful tools for growth: anonymity and an easy way to seek out people with … Continue reading

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A History Of My Underearning

When my computer died and I had to ship it away for three weeks, I went to my first 12-step meeting for debtors in May of 2015 and then I hit my first meeting for underearners on July 12, 2015. … Continue reading

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