Monthly Archives: December 2016

Affidavit: Woman killed by step-son after she ‘gloated’ about Cowboys win


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Hate Hoaxes Are Hate Crimes

Comments at Steve Sailer: * These hate hoaxes are still hate crimes, just their targets are Trump supporters and whites in general. They are similar to blood libels (or, in case someone is purported to be hurt, are literally blood … Continue reading

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Bye, Bye Neo-Cons

David Goldman writes: Israeli leaders of all major parties warn of two existential threats to Israel: a U.N. resolution forcing Israel back to the 1967 armistice line, and a nuclear-armed Iran. With Donald Trump’s election both threats have receded into … Continue reading

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Brooklyn Attorney Dan Goldstein Harasses Ivanka Trump

From Heavy: Dan Goldstein is a Brooklyn attorney who reportedly yelled at Ivanka Trump on a JetBlue flight from New York to Palm Beach on December 22. He ended up getting kicked off the flight, which was delayed because of … Continue reading

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WP: Surge in foreign students may be crowding Americans out of elite colleges

Washington Post: U.S. applicants to elite schools are largely unaware of the growth of international enrollment and what it could mean for their chances, said Bruce Vinik, an admission consultant in Montgomery County, Md. He said the subject could draw … Continue reading

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