Daily Archives: November 9, 2016

Los Angeles: A Vision of the Globalist Future

Matt Forney writes: Last month, I visited Los Angeles to attend the West Coast premiere of The Red Pill. While I’d technically first visited L.A. two years ago, it was on a layover to Tokyo and I didn’t get farther … Continue reading

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Blacks Didn’t Turn Out For Hillary

The most significant election news I saw on the morning of November 8 was that black turnout was low. Comments at Steve Sailer: * The downside of relentless racial identity conditioning of Blacks cost Hillary the election. Trump pulled in … Continue reading

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Hacksaw Ridge

Steve Sailer writes: Rather like Donald Trump’s campaign for president in 2016, Mel Gibson’s 2004 movie The Passion of the Christ was not popular in Beverly Hills. I overheard the following conversation in a Rodeo Drive screening room while Gibson’s … Continue reading

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A Burst Of Motivation

I’m noticing guys in long-term slumps are waking up today and feeling a newfound burst of energy and determination to make their lives better. They’re no longer hopeless about America and about their lives. Politico: Make Yourself Great Again! A … Continue reading

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Election Post-Morten

A Jewish friend writes: Dear Luke, I have many thoughts and opinions about the election. Here they are in no particular order. In October 2015 I wrote to a friend of mine in Israel that there were three reasons for … Continue reading

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