Monthly Archives: November 2016

When you put an interracial gay couple in every episode of Black Mirror, I feel like my sons won’t be able to find their way in life.

How could the Nazis take down Weimer without being so nazi-like? Perhaps mutual dialogue with sharing of feelings facilitated by a Freudian analyst? We need Hamilton, the musical: but with all Jews. With their pro gay propaganda, were they really … Continue reading

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The Good Jews

Here’s a discussion at The Right Stuff: * List of “Good” Jews: I keep a list of Paleoconservative leaning Jews: Paul Gottfried, Murray Rothbard, Lawrence Auster, Mencius Moldbug/Curtis Yarvin, Theodore Dalrymple/Anthony Daniels, Robert Weissberg, Ron Unz, David Cole, Luke Ford, … Continue reading

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If Jews are not white, then Jews have no right to talk on behalf of white people

Friend: I just got a call from my mom and she was watching the news and they were showing people doing the straight armed salute and she was all freaked out Then there was an Orthodox Jew there, an Israeli, … Continue reading

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Trump Today

A friend says: There are three things of particular note today. The first is that Hawaii’s representative, Democrat Tulsi Gabbard (one of the prettiest members of Congress) met with Trump today at Trump’s invitation. She did not refuse the invitation. … Continue reading

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What Trump Protesters Should Consider

Jack* wrote this ten days ago: Much of what Donald Trump proposed as a candidate should be embraced by the protesters. Trump is not a conventional republican. He campaigned on maintaining and strengthening the social safety net programs of social … Continue reading

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