Monthly Archives: November 2016

Is Honest Christianity Anti-Jewish?

A goy asks: Seems to me that an honest Christianity must be anti-Jewish. Don’t you think? The Old Testament is so unchristian. So tribal. Yet all the Christians I know are super deferential to Judaism. I don’t mean it should … Continue reading

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Trump Disavows The Alt-Right

New York Times transcript: UNKNOWN: Mr. President-elect, I wanted to ask you, there was a conference this past weekend in Washington of people who pledged their allegiance to Nazism. TRUMP: Boy, you are really into this stuff, huh? PRIEBUS: I … Continue reading

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NYT: White Nationalists Celebrate ‘an Awakening’ After Donald Trump’s Victory

Comments at * Notice the language: “lurked”, “dark corners”, “screeds”, “ominous”, “extremist”, “bowels”, “autopsy”, “grim future”, “white nationalist”, “rebranded version of the Ku Klux Klan”, “suppression”… * Donald Trump, as nearly as I can divine, still believes in some … Continue reading

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What To Do About Islamic Immigration?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * KSM admitted a long time ago that the gang wanted to do terrorist attacks in Japan during the time that it co-hosted the 2002 Soccer World Cup with South Korea, but gave up on the … Continue reading

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The Alt Right: Resting on Imaginary Laurels

From the Alt Zionism blog: But the Alt Right is in danger of squandering this victory and turning it into their own defeat, for they have not been able to distinguish between a victory for the Alt Right and a … Continue reading

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