NYT: White Nationalists Celebrate ‘an Awakening’ After Donald Trump’s Victory

Comments at Unz.com:

* Notice the language: “lurked”, “dark corners”, “screeds”, “ominous”, “extremist”, “bowels”, “autopsy”, “grim future”, “white nationalist”, “rebranded version of the Ku Klux Klan”, “suppression”…

* Donald Trump, as nearly as I can divine, still believes in some form of American civic nationalism; he does not support white nationalism and is probably mostly puzzled by it. A partition of the U.S., with a portion being a white homeland is probably inconceivable, and highly unpatriotic, for him. What is interesting is that the New York Times equates Donald Trump with the Alt-Right; it is the reason that they hate and fear a man that they otherwise derided as a clown and a buffoon. Donald Trump has, possibly without knowing and intending it, ignited white racial consciousness and given it a focus. Whites sense that they are being racially dispossessed from their homeland, although most of them can’t yet articulate it in those terms. But they somehow believe that Trump is on their side, which may or may not be true (I hope it is), and he may or may not be able to deliver; given the forces arrayed against him, I fear that he will fail, although not for lack of trying. One of the interviewees in the Times’s article correctly articulates why the Alt-Right celebrates the victory of Donald Trump: it gives us time to raise the consciousness of white people and limit the migration of non-whites into the U.S. A Hillary Clinton victory would have flooded the U.S. with non-whites before white racial consciousness was raised sufficiently to offer effective resistance.

* Maybe Americans tired of the SJW screeching which is turning our colleges into a PC nightmare, graduating wimps who have no idea how hard the real world is, but the Times will hold their hand.

Maybe Americans tired of seeing our teen daughters encouraged to dress like hookers and act like they’re in heat, because that’s so kewl, while we worried about the mind-numbing propaganda telling our teen sons to try homosexuality, you might like it!

Americans finally woke up and realized that our culture, our land, our religion and moral code was under attack from those that ‘lurk’ in dark corners.

* How much was spent for the NPI meeting?

How much is spent for AIPAC conferences?

How much damage has NPI done to the world? Did it call for wars, invasions, and sanctions on other nations? I think not. I don’t think NPI has any politician or institution under its wing. White Nationalists have done zero damage to the world since the end of the Cold War. All the new wars waged by the US have been cooked by Neocons and Liberal Zionists by pulling the strings of the shabbos goyim. And think of all the Wall Street robbery and manipulations that enriched the 1% over everyone else. Look at the power on Wall Street, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Ivy League, and DC, and none of it has to do with white identity or white nationalism. Wars and the looting of the world was carried out by the Globalists, not nationalists. If anything, nationalism has been the most effective instrument against total-Jewish-supremacist-globalism.

AIPAC owns all the presidents and all the politicians. Its agenda has destroyed entire nations and regions.

Yet, NYT doesn’t call AIPAC ‘Jewish nationalist’ or ‘Jewish supremacist’. It finds nothing strange or weird about all US politicians hailing Israel to high heaven and shedding zero tears about Palestinians who are far more oppressed than blacks under Apartheid.

It finds nothing wrong with 98% of Americans being pressured to support and praise the nationalist and even supremacist agenda of the globalist 2%.

NYT is okay with the Jewish elephant trampling the entire world but freaks out about the white mouse that wants its voice heard.

But then, this fear is understandable. Jews are the mouse with elephant power, whereas whites are the elephant with mouse power. According to the Narrative, serving and pandering to Jews is what America is all about, but voicing any interest in favor of white identity is eeeeevil.
Jews and white gentiles are like British imperialist elites and the native masses in India. Brits were the mouse with elephant power while the Hindu masses were the demographic elephant with mouse power…. that is until they began to speak up and resist. (This is why Jews are so eager to destroy any gentile majority in all nations. It is united gentile unity that has been the bane of Jewish supremacist takeover. Jews promote Diversity in the US not out of love for Muslims or anyone else. After all, the Jewish agenda calls for more wars and more mass destruction for the Muslim world. Jews simply want Muslims in EU and US to use them against the white majority. So, the very people whose agenda has killed millions of Muslims[and other non-whites] are inviting Muslims to the West as a battering ram against white people.) If Jews love Diversity, why do they insist on keeping Israel as Jewish as possible?

Jews are the 2% mouse with elephantine powers, and whites are the majority elephant that has been forced to hide behind the wall. But when the real elephant awakens and gains elephant power, the real mouse will have to hide in the hole.

Anyway, the MSM highlighted the Alt Right to use it to smear Trump. They thought Alt Right would act like a bunch of Neo-Nazis, but in fact, most Alt Right people made cogent and sensible arguments. MSM realized how their smear campaign had backfired. Alt Right didn’t take the bait and act like Hollywood KKK or Nazis. They spoke more truth than the MSM.

So, now the MSM is reversing its policy and trying to shut down all Alt Right voices.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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