Is Honest Christianity Anti-Jewish?

A goy asks:

Seems to me that an honest Christianity must be anti-Jewish. Don’t you think? The Old Testament is so unchristian. So tribal. Yet all the Christians I know are super deferential to Judaism. I don’t mean it should be antisemitic… but as a Christian, I shouldn’t hesitate to tweet, “wow, the Old Testament is insane–fake news!”

Did Jews make Christians weak or were there other causes? And couldn’t Christians figure out ways of not being susceptible to Jewish subversion? Or is there something vulnerable implicit in Christianity that allows Judaism to corrode it?

I wish America would become so diverse and so anti white that they would give whites some reservations to live on all alone in the prairie.

On top of my blog, I post this comment: “Anti-Semitism is as natural to Western civilization as anti-Christianity is to Jewish civilization, Islamic civilization and Japanese civilization.”

When Christianity is dominant in a country (such as Europe in the 12-15th centuries), Jews tend to be weak and vulnerable. When Jews are strong (such as America post 1960), Christianity tends to be weaker than it was (prior to 1960).

Ari Ben Canaan tweets:

I’d guess that w/o OT, Christianity would be too weak and pacifistic to be palatable to most Christians.

Violent OT scenes like Joshua at Jericho, wars against Philistines, etc. have always been very popular in Protestant liturgy.

Tribal Judean monotheism may add some desirable yin to the peaceful, universalist-monotheist yang of Christianity.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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