Monthly Archives: November 2016

Who’s On Deck For The Democrats?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I wonder who the Dems will have on deck for 2020? To continue with the baseball analogy, Clinton’s lock on the Dem power structure the last few years has meant their farm system hasn’t produced … Continue reading

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Los Angeles: A Vision of the Globalist Future

Matt Forney writes: Last month, I visited Los Angeles to attend the West Coast premiere of The Red Pill. While I’d technically first visited L.A. two years ago, it was on a layover to Tokyo and I didn’t get farther … Continue reading

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Blacks Didn’t Turn Out For Hillary

The most significant election news I saw on the morning of November 8 was that black turnout was low. Comments at Steve Sailer: * The downside of relentless racial identity conditioning of Blacks cost Hillary the election. Trump pulled in … Continue reading

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Hacksaw Ridge

Steve Sailer writes: Rather like Donald Trump’s campaign for president in 2016, Mel Gibson’s 2004 movie The Passion of the Christ was not popular in Beverly Hills. I overheard the following conversation in a Rodeo Drive screening room while Gibson’s … Continue reading

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A Burst Of Motivation

I’m noticing guys in long-term slumps are waking up today and feeling a newfound burst of energy and determination to make their lives better. They’re no longer hopeless about America and about their lives. Politico: Make Yourself Great Again! A … Continue reading

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