Monthly Archives: November 2016

Thanks Bushes!

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The Immigration Act of 1990 was just as destructive, It increased total, overall immigration to allow 700,000 immigrants to come to the U.S. per year, It provided family based immigration visa, created five distinct employment … Continue reading

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A Prayer To HaShem

Chaim Amalek posts: A Further Impromptu And Sincere Prayer to Hashem: Lord,God, in your infinite wisdom you have chosen to chastise the “off the derech” [apostate] Jew, the Merkel, the Soros, the Blitzer, and the Liberal. You have given the … Continue reading

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Thank You, Steve Sailer!

Over the past year, I’ve emailed MSM journalists I know that they should write or assign profiles of Steve Sailer because of his importance to this election. None of them even bothered to reply to my suggestion. And there are … Continue reading

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How Did 90035 Vote?

At least 10% of 90035 are Orthodox Jews, most of whom voted Trump, I suspect. Joe* emails: You might want to report on how 90035 voted per the LA Times interactive site. I was surprised to find that [24]% of … Continue reading

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Election Day In The Steve Sailer Comments Section

The only comments section I read regularly is on Steve Sailer’s blog. It is a collection of many of the sharpest minds on the Right and most of the most prominent commenters on there such as Lot and SPMoore8 predicted … Continue reading

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