Thanks Bushes!

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The Immigration Act of 1990 was just as destructive, It increased total, overall immigration to allow 700,000 immigrants to come to the U.S. per year, It provided family based immigration visa, created five distinct employment based visas, categorized by occupation, as well as the diversity visa program which created a lottery to admit immigrants from “low admittance” countries.

Other aspects of the act include lifting the English testing process for naturalization and eliminating the exclusion of homosexuals under the medically unsound classification of “sexual deviant” that was present in the passage of the 1965 Act.

After it became law in 1991, the United States would admit 750,000 new Legal immigrants annually, up from 500,000 before the bill’s passage. The new system continued to favor people with family members that already in the United States, but added 50,000 “diversity visas” for countries from which few were emigrating, as well as 40,000 permanent job-related workers and 65,000 temporary worker visas. Reversing the 1990 immigration act would be a great start. Need to end the green card lottery ASAP. the lottery alone has resulted in almost 2 million immigrants from third world nations. It is a highly destructive immigration policy. We can thank the Bush clan for this.

* One source of Upstate anger, at least in my neck of the woods (Central NY) is Governor Cuomo’s contemptuous treatment of upstaters, from banning fracking in the Marcellus Shale, pushing gun control thru the legislature, doling out enormous chunks of money to his upstate political friends only (see “Buffalo Billion”, a growing scandal) and demanding that the governments of Onondaga County and the City of Syracuse form themselves into one governmental unit, thus making the whites in the suburbs pay taxes to support Syracuse City and its many minority problems. With regard to this last, Cuomo threatened the County and City with retribution if they did not obey his will (exactly what damage he intends to do is so far unspecified).

The fracking ban, by the way, looks to me to be a variant on the Curley Effect. As Cuomo continues to damage the economic prospects of rural and suburban Western/Central New York, whites are leaving the state.Deliberate? I think so.

* This looks like the (real) beginnings of the Republican Party as a white identity party. The more the Dems identify against whites, the more whites move into the Republican column. It will accelerate as the number of government jobs shrink and more whites are working in the private sector. The reactions of SJW’s to the election, similar to the reaction of Labour after Cameron won – suggests they aren’t remotely close to learning the lesson of this election.

Also, I wonder if Trump got more black votes in absolute terms, or if he just got a higher percentage of black votes due to a decline in black turnout.

Two things I predicted prior to this election. One, that black turnout would decline due to black voter fatigue. They’ve had their black president, and nothing else seems quite as good – especially not Hillary Clinton. If Hillary had not followed on the heels of a black president, black voter enthusiasm would be higher. Obama was the money shot for black voters, they’re going to find it hard to readjust to the soft core stuff – especially not if the star is a granny.

Two, the riots; I absolutely predicted the riots. I was going to finally go out and buy a handgun for self-defense just in case, but I never got around to it. I didn’t exactly expect Trump to win, but mostly that was to temper my hopes. I knew that Trump supporters would turn out to the polls more enthusiastically than Hillary supporters, but (especially with what the polls were saying) I didn’t think it would quite be enough.

* Why do you think it’s so shocking that Trump did relatively well with black men? Furthermore, why do you assume that if Trump did well with black men, he did well with the black men who are most likely to be traditional conservatives (military blacks)?

Look, a lot of people, including Steve, said from the beginning that Trump had a certain natural appeal to black people that no other GOP candidate has ever had.

If you gave your average Tyrone $10 billion, he would build a massive skyscraper, with opulent gold toilets and ludicrous columns and brazenly flaunt his wealth by naming it “Tyrone Tower.” He would buy a 747 and call it “Tyrone One.”

This is something that people can’t seem to wrap their head around. Mitt Romney couldn’t get poor whites to vote for him, and he certainly couldn’t get blacks to vote for him. Mitt Romney is a rich white guy. Donald Trump IS NOT a rich white guy. Donald Trump is a middle class guy with a ton of money. There is a huge difference.

Rich white people don’t rail against the establishment and the illuminati. They are the establishment and the illuminati.

Rich white people don’t name massive buildings and airplanes after themselves. They are slightly embarrassed of their wealth.

Rich white people don’t marry and then divorce a string of trophy wives. They are generally pretty conservative in their social lives.

Donald Trump is not a rich white person. Donald Trump is a middle class person who has a lot of money. This is why he got poor and middle class white people to come out of the woodwork to vote for him, and this is why he did better than expected among blacks and hispanics.

* “I wonder how many white New Yorkers secretly voted for Trump because of Bill DeBlasio’s nuttiness…”

If you are going to marry outside of your race, don’t marry that racial group’s bottom of the barrel leftovers.

Bill De Blasio’s wife is so hideous that even a high percentage of Black men would not tap that.

If you are going to marry outside of your race, marry someone who is in the same league looks wise as Matthew McConaughey’s gorgeous Mulatto wife.

* Black support for Donald Trump is overwhelmingly of the Non Tyrone variety. The Black Donald Trump supporters I’ve seen on Fox News have a more impressive vocabulary than the average American Negro, meaning English and not Ebonics is their first language.

* The work must be done to cut third world immigration now. Trump got lucky against a bad candidate. Those Midwestern states are promising but Trump’s decreased margins in Arizona, Georgia and Texas are concerning. A purple Texas will be a big problem for the GOP. Texas Republicans must do what they can to prevent this.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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