Monthly Archives: October 2016

Steve Sailer: President of South Korea Is a Puppet of Her Rasputin-like Shaman Fortuneteller

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I was talking to a Korean girl recently about the politics of the country, with a special interest on race and multicultural stuff. She told me that Park is part of the conservative party, but … Continue reading

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Hillary, Huma & Weiner

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Weiner and Abedin are the new Paul Wolfowitz and Shaha Ali Riza. * I heard from a wise friend that Huma and Antony are still married only to prevent testimony on one another. * To … Continue reading

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FBI Notes Reveal Security Concerns Over Huma Abedin

Paul Sperry published this two days before the FBI announcement about re-opening its Hillary Clinton email investigation. So far, it is the best article I have read on this story. REPORT: Protective detail assigned to guard former Secretary of State … Continue reading

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Why Does Danielle Berrin Keep Writing Jewish Journal Cover Stories About Getting Groped By Famous Men?

I asked some attractive women for their analysis and they said in essence: She tries so hard to be smart but she’s not. That she wrote this article (and how she wrote it) confirms how dumb she is. Given her … Continue reading

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Jewish Americans don’t vote with Israel in mind, they vote as liberals

Professor Jonathan Bronitsky writes: The political behavior of the preponderance of Jewish Americans is in no way substantively different than that of secular liberals of any other religious background. Reform Judaism has been called “the Democratic party platform with holidays … Continue reading

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