Monthly Archives: October 2016

Tabletmag on Jared Kushner: “Does he remain the type of person that others want to do business with, or socialize with, even in New York?”

Oy vey! The social consequences of supporting Donald Trump! From Tabletmag: Soon, very soon, barring some succession of events so awful as to surpass even the insanely high bar set this season for civic unpleasantness, Donald Trump will be consigned … Continue reading

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Univision Bought The Onion In January

That might explain why it is rarely funny anymore. Comments: * So… Unavision and The Root are not owned by Hispanics and blacks, but… by a Jew? …and people wonder where these “Jews-control-the-world” “conspiracy” theories come from. * “There has … Continue reading

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Rapper’s Dead Body Taken To Strip Club For Farewell Party

NEWS: Atlanta rapper Shawty Lo‘s funeral ended just the way he would have liked … with a pit stop at the local strip joint. Friends and family remembered Lo Friday with a memorial service followed by a procession straight to … Continue reading

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Hillary & Open Borders

Steve Sailer notes: The WSJ Editorial Page has been using “open borders” to mean unlimited immigration since 1984. COMMENTS: * I could see Hillary bringing back HUAC hearings. Prominent racists, xenophobes, Islamophobes, sexists, homophobes, anti-Semites, isolationists, and exposed Russian secret … Continue reading

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Is There A Man Who Has Not Made An Unwanted Sexual Advance?

Steve Sailer writes: That raises the question of which heterosexual man never made an “unwanted sexual advance”? Warren Beatty in the year after the release of Bonnie and Clyde? Wilt Chamberlain during the Lakers’ 33-game winning streak? Jimmy Page and … Continue reading

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