Univision Bought The Onion In January

That might explain why it is rarely funny anymore.


* So… Unavision and The Root are not owned by Hispanics and blacks, but… by a Jew?

…and people wonder where these “Jews-control-the-world” “conspiracy” theories come from.

* “There has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard, because they just don’t have any basis in anything that’s actually happening in the world,” Obama added.

His remarks came amid an election campaign that has seen Republican candidate Donald Trump repeat ideas and take on key staff from right-wing media outlets.

They also come at the end of an eight-year presidency in which Obama has been plagued by false scandals over his place of birth that have forced him to play media-critic-in-chief.

* Trump touched “right-wing media outlets.” Eew! Cooties!

This reminds me of when Clinton (Bill) went after talk radio shock jocks. Big surprise, progressives don’t like things to the right of them.

* “Bloomberg Businessweek: Hillary’s Billionaire”

Hillary doesn’t have a billionaire. However billionaires have a Hillary.

* I don’t think a certificate of truthiness from Google or the Government will be quite as authoritative as they seem to believe. I think it would develop into the inverse of the old joke about the French Foreign Ministry: “It must be true; the Quai d’Orsay denies it.”

It must be false; the certified fact checkers say it’s true.

* Saban is wanting to take Univision public?

That means, like, I can buy shares in, among other things, the merchandizing of Alicia Machado’s thighs and ass via that sitcom she’s on (“Una familia con suerte,” innit?), right?

Will I be able to call her a porker if she, like, porks up and gets butt-ugly and is no longer a good investment?

I mean, after all, as a shareholder, won’t I own part of her and have a stake in what she does to herself?

Or is the Brave New Univision Telemundo World Order one where you are forced to buy shares in things? And the Sabans and Yellens decide what it will be worth. And you can’t sell if the investment goes sour, you just take your crash after the big boys finish skimming the cream. Plus you have to claim to like the fatsos du jour because they are the BNUTWO’s current objects of worship, and to fail to worship is not only heresy, it’s racist sexist macroaggression hate crime.

I’m almost liking this Bizarro World univision of capitalismo del sud en el norte. It’s almost worthy of the absurdity of central banking, manipulated markets, globalist diversitopian insanity, and forced idiocracy in the service of a bigger, more lucrative Hive of shoppers lugging around their own Skinner Boxes.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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