Monthly Archives: October 2016

Orthodox Jews, The Simon Wiesenthal Center & The Platinum Hedge Fund Fiasco

Comment: “You should read up on the Platinum hedge fund fiasco in NY. A tight knit group of Orthodox got together to do a poor man’s Madoff and AIG, got caught paying off the black head of the Riker’s jail … Continue reading

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Forward: How Do I Explain My Trump Nazi Nightmare to My Mexican American Daughter?

“Anna Miriam Keller is a Brooklyn based writer, poet and activist. She lives with her partner, Adrian and their interfaith baby Helen Rose.” Jews such as Anna Miriam Keller suffer terribly because they are more morally sensitive than the rest … Continue reading

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Is The Election Already Over?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I think the current “thing” by the media and all TV commentators/hosts is to beat the drum (every moment until Nov. 8) that Trump is soooo woefully behind, that you might as well not vote, … Continue reading

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NYT: “Families Don’t Have Borders”

.@tabletmag on @HIASrefugees-inspired @CBEBK #sukkah designed to draw attention to plight of #refugees #Sukkot2016 — West End Strategy (@WestEndStrategy) October 21, 2016 My alma mater @Georgetown does it best! Have you seen the amazing @HIASrefugees-inspired #Sukkah at @CBEBK focused … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right Is Racist, Xenophobic & Anti-Semitic

Greg Johnson, founder of, says in this recent Swedish podcast: “The Alternative Right was started by certain white nationalist donors and organizers as an entryist vehicle into the mainstream conservative world for the purpose of interacting with it, deconstructing … Continue reading

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