Daily Archives: September 20, 2016

‘70% of European Jews won’t go to shul on High Holy Days despite heightened security’

Perhaps Jews should rethink their support for Muslim immigration into the First World? Muslims tend to hate Jews more intensely than goyim do. Jerusalem Post: “The challenge for most of the Jewish communities has doubled in recent months,” stated Rabbi … Continue reading

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Do You Have A Chest Flu?

People all around me are coming down with pneumonia. They often get a chest x-ray and a prescript for Levaquin, which often makes them feel worse. Here are some sample reviews on this drug: * I started having trouble about … Continue reading

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Are Young Professionals Minyanim a way for Ashkenazim to separate from Sephardim?

Will the Young Professionals Minyan be the last stand for implicit white identity? Chaim Amalek writes: “I think it is more a way for young (20-34), professionally employed people (doctors, etc.) to separate themselves from everyone else. Not a scene … Continue reading

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Did the Famous Sailor Sexually Assault the Famous Nurse?

Dennis Prager writes: The most famous American photo of World War II is undoubtedly that of the four Marines planting the American flag on Iwo Jima. The second most famous is probably the legendary photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt’s picture of an … Continue reading

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The Mainstream Media Bet the Farm on Hillary–and Lost

Charles Hugh Smith writes: The MSM has forsaken its duty in a democracy and is a disgrace to investigative, unbiased journalism. The mainstream media bet the farm on Hillary Clinton, confident that their dismissal of every skeptical inquiry as a … Continue reading

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