Monthly Archives: September 2016


Jared Taylor writes: Today, the United States officially takes the position that all races are equal. Our country is also committed―legally and morally―to the view that race is not a fit criterion for decision-making of any kind, except for promoting … Continue reading

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The Stupid Things Trump Says

JustNotSaid: The problem is not the message, but the messenger. Trump is the most tone deaf, vain, thin-skinned, insulting, inarticulate candidate imaginable. Witness his Tweet after NBA player Dwyane Wade’s cousin was shot dead on the streets of Chicago recently: … Continue reading

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Long-Suffering Huma

JustNotSaid: Human seems to be a “second daughter” to Hillary the same way Monica was a second daughter to Bill. Ask yourself this: what 24-year-old is so politically perspicacious that a candidate for US Senate would rely so heavily on … Continue reading

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Colin Kaepernick, out-brothering the brothers

JustNotSaid: Many light-skinned blacks seem to combine the natural posturing and status-seeking of whites with the lack of inhibitions of blacks. So you end up with uninhibited poseurs. Then, mix into that equation the fact that light-skinned blacks often seem … Continue reading

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They Called Us Idiots!

Blog: A young man recently said to me, “What if a bunch of space aliens with IQ’s of 200 came down and kidnapped us and brought us back to their planet to use as slaves, but we couldn’t handle their … Continue reading

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