Monthly Archives: September 2016

Many Jews Don’t Care About Israel

A third of Jews in America don’t care about Israel and about a third care passionately. My guess is that a majority of American Jews identify more with America than with the Jewish state. Comments: * Many Jews believe that … Continue reading

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Rabbi seeks royalties for Japanese Olympic gymnast’s ‘immodest’ use of his melody

How do you think religious Christians feel about Jews writing Christmas music taking Christ out of the equation? (JTA) — A Jerusalem rabbi said he would seek royalties from Japan’s delegation to the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro for … Continue reading

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From Albany to Kansas City, the Jewish Community Is Stepping Up for Refugees

Rabbi Jennie Rosenn is the Vice President for Community Engagement at HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees. She writes: One year ago, a photograph of a small Syrian refugee boy woke up the world. Our hearts were broken … Continue reading

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Two Killed, Several Others Injured During J’Ouvert Festivities In Crown Heights

Shocking! I’ve never gone to this. I might go to the PR Day Parade because their girls know how to dress for the occasion. But this is not for me. Also, it is on the very street that the Rebbe … Continue reading

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The Philippines launches a “REAL” war on drugs

BLOG: via Daily Mail. But Duterte warned that he is a leader of a sovereign country and is answerable only to the Filipino people. ‘Who is he to confront me?’ he said, adding that the Philippines had not received an … Continue reading

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