A third of Jews in America don’t care about Israel and about a third care passionately. My guess is that a majority of American Jews identify more with America than with the Jewish state.
Comments: * Many Jews believe that Israel has no right to control its borders, or even exist. See e.g. Mondoweiss (a website on Unz’s blogroll), the so-called campus ‘Jewish Voice for Peace,’ any number of communist university faculty, etc.
* Israel is only doing what is in the best interest of Israel. And they are right in limiting immigration. Would that we would adopt such a policy! The problem is that there are people who have a misconception (and in using that word I’m being kind) that we should let anybody and everybody in, regardless of educational level or job skill. This is a policy that would have suited the US of 1816 or even 1916—not 2016.