Monthly Archives: September 2016

Where Does The Washington Post Stand On Donald Trump?

I wish I knew.

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Black City Is Surprisingly Broke

Are there any thriving majority-black cities? From a WP comment on the article: “Checks wiki to see what are the demographics of the city. Reads it’s 80% black. Sees no reason to read the article in its entirety.” According to … Continue reading

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‘I’ve Become a Racist’: Migrant Wave Unleashes Danish Tensions Over Identity

This is an excellent New York Times article: The thousands of Muslim asylum seekers pouring into Denmark have spawned a backlash, and questions over whether the country has a latent racial hostility at its core. TAARNBY, Denmark — Johnny Christensen, … Continue reading

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‘Why I’ve Decided To Take A Gap Year Before Joining ISIS’

Tristan Beverly writes: In the face of unprecedented pressure to succeed, today’s young adults have less time than ever to form their identities and discover who they want to be. The narrow, sheltered world of childhood can only prepare you … Continue reading

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Immigrants do jobs that…

Economist George Borjas writes: …natives could have done. The demolition of the narrative that large numbers of immigrants can enter a labor market without having much of an effect on native employment opportunities continues apace. The new paper by Christian … Continue reading

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