Monthly Archives: September 2016

Working The System

I was talking to a friend the other day and he mentioned this scam he thought would totally take care of his problem. On the one hand, I admired his take-charge attitude. On the other hand, I understood why the … Continue reading

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What Have Conservatives Conserved?

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Will Hillary Drop Out?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Hillary cannot drop out and be replaced easily. Each state has its own laws for getting on the ballot and it is too late for Tim Kaine to take her place in most states. I … Continue reading

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When Did The Right Wing Love For Julian Assange Start?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * When he started mass-leaking DNC e-mails. Being persecuted by the left-wing Swedish government for “raping” a woman who let him sleep over the next few days and went out to parties with him afterward helped … Continue reading

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Why Isn’t Hillary Winning Big?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Trump and Clinton are merely figureheads for identity politics. Who they are or what they’ve done is actually not that important. * Over the last year or so of following the US election I’ve often … Continue reading

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